Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

Friday, November 22, 2013

Finances and Bill Paying

Finances and Bill Paying

1. Credit Cards Are A Huge Often Time Unnecessary Expense
Use credit cards only for emergency. Although convenient, credit cards are dangerous and damaging. In addition, if you have a credit card that has a $1,000 balance and you pay only the minimum payment each month, it will take you between 20 and 30 years to pay off that $1,000 balance since the majority of money is going strictly toward the interest and not the principal amount. If you have credit cards and your credit is in good standing, call your credit card company, and ask for your interest rate to be lowered. It is truly that simple. Unfortunately, most people do not even realize this is an option so they never make the call. Just tell the representative that you want a better rate on your credit card and they will take care of your request.
2. Mortgage Payment
Paying one additional mortgage payment each year, whether in a lump sum or monthly increments, can lower a 30-year loan down to 18 years. Knowing that information is enough to make anyone use this technique. If you pay more than one extra payment, the number of years will decrease even more. Since this additional payment will be applied only to the principal and not the interest, you end up saving thousands and thousands of dollars once the home is paid off.
3. Insurance
Shop around for insurance and work with a good agent that can provide information on discounts such as good student, multi-car discount, etc. Some people think the price of insurance is the same from one company to the next. However, prices can vary dramatically and to ensure you get the best deal, you need to consider all your options.
4. Utilities
Set up some rules in your home such as turning lights off when leaving the room, having only a parent adjust the air or heat, leaving the doors or windows open when letting either cold or hot air into the house. Utilities are expensive and a great money saver is to monitor how they are used in your home. Another great idea is the investment of buying an energy-efficient hot water heater. If you cannot afford one, lower the setting so you are not heating water so hot. The hotter the setting, the more energy used. If you go away on away from the house for several days, considering turning your heat or air off. If just going away for the day or night, this is not recommended. It’s more efficient is used for times when you will be away from the house three or more days.



Thank-you and congratulations on purchasing this book. By investing in “Money From Home” you have made a step towards discovering why setting up income streams that can be “switched on” and maintained from home is a very wise course of action. This book has been written to show you some of the proven techniques that just about anyone can use to start earning an income from their armchair.
We’re going to look at far more than just proven ways that you can use to start squeezing money from home – we’re going to investigate the importance of planning, what types of home income streams would be suited to you and whenever possible we even provide tools, books and resources for you to get started immediately.
The good news is that with a little bit of courage, resolve and application it’s really possible to create more than a significant income, from home, in a relatively short space of time. Hey, I’m not saying it can be done without some serious energy and willingness to learn, test and work on your part…but you’re here reading this so I’m guessing you’re pretty serious about wanting to earn from home. Some businesses we look at may require a little investment on your part (though usually not much!) – others can be started with the change in your pocket.
Let me tell you frankly though, the world is seriously changing. The concept of a “job for life” has long gone and in today’s rat race is more fierce than it has ever been. Significantly more people go to university so there is far more competition for jobs in general…and workers in the western world face threats to their roles from outsourcing (where jobs are transferred to areas in the world where they can be done at a fraction of their cost).
© 2005 Money From Home!
Plus – if answering honestly, a lot of people would admit that they are far from happy in their jobs. Most work for the majority of their lives and rarely earn enough to enjoy life as it is meant to be. Most have quite long hours that keep them from spending as much time with their friends
and families as they would like. Most face (sometimes long) commutes to work. And to top it all
off most will never, ever be “rich” (a recent quality publication known as the Sunday Times recently revealed that there was not a single employee in the richest 1,000 people…all of whom were business OWNERS). Now if that’s OK with you then perhaps you’ve got hold of the wrong book. But if you believe you deserve more from life and you’re willing to keep an open mind then you really owe it to yourself to investigate the possibility of starting your own highly successful business…right out of your home office.
Some good news for you before we move on – thanks to the power and global reach of the internet, creating high levels of income from home has never been easier. A little later you’ll learn about some incredibly powerful ways to harness this awesome power of the internet to create several streams of income…that could keep earning money for you years into the future.
It’s my hope that you find this whole book highly valuable in your quest to start earning an income from home. Incidentally, if creating multiple income streams quickly and easily is something you have a great deal of interest in then I strongly urge you to check out the Instant Home Wealth site – it contains everything you will ever require to set-up and maintain multiple highly profitable income streams, all in record time.



How many people do you know who say things such as “if only I had known, I would have done things differently” – they may mean it any number of contexts…their careers, their marriage, choice of team to support…etc
The fact is you don’t need a crystal ball to do things and create a happy ending for yourself. This is a huge world and there are opportunities to suit everyone when it comes to creating home income streams. The very fact that you wish to create an income from home for yourself suggests that you already have a broad vision of how you would like to earn money. Your biggest challenge now is to find something that suits you down to the ground…and of course avoid the masses of junk-information regarding earning from home.
There really ARE a huge number of ways of making money at home. Want to know the simple criteria I put in place to analyse a potential home income stream? Here’s what I look out for:
1. The income stream should be easy to understand and should be available to set-up from home. Once set-up, there should be relatively little maintenance required – the money should start coming in almost on auto-pilot. With some (still promising) home income streams this is not always possible but it’s a real plus when you set something up and then sit back and watch it earn cash for you day in, day out.
2. There should be a very good future for the potential home income stream – is it in a thriving industry? Is it an in demand niche? You do not want to pour your efforts into something that ultimately, will not sell or create an income for you. Research is very important here and must be done before you get your feet wet.
© 2005 Money From Home!
3. Preferably, the home income opportunity should be something that is not so over-exposed that everyone has heard of it (and is trying). The lesser known opportunities are often goldmines of income, but that’s not to say the more popular and known methods cannot be used as well.
4. The start-up and maintenance costs should be as close to zero as possible. It should not cost you a fortune to start up and operate the home business. Pick up a business opportunity paper such as “Daltons” and you will discover no end of franchise and business opportunities – I’m sure a lot of them are genuine but many cost several thousand dollars and more just to start up. The beauty of the internet is that you can set-up and operate a business from home at a tiny fraction of that.
5. The opportunity must be fully operable from home. No need to get hold of special grounds, an office e.t.c.
6. The income opportunity must be GLOBAL – you should be able to operate the business no matter where in the world you are.
© 2005 Money From Home!
You may want to add in your own criteria to the above (perhaps you need a business that can be done on a part time basis and so on). However, when you find a genuine home income opportunity that satisfies these criteria you may want to jump on it faster than a flea on a wet dog.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Business Booster

Business Booster

Did you know that there are little tweaks and adjustments you could be making to your business right now that can completely change your income?...
 Is that fact that you don't have the right knowledge or tools making your business difficult... maybe even your life miserable?

Does it seem like you’ve tried everything you know of to fix it, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re still plagued with:

  • Not knowing anything about teamwork
  • Not understanding even where to start to get motivated
  • Not knowing how important leadership is

If this describes you, listen up..
A great business leader is a many-sided person who has a lot of strengths and capabilities. He may manage budgets, spearhead marketing campaigns, plan products, network with industry experts, and assess contract management software.
He's dedicated, industrious, bright, and creative. However even with all these admonitory qualities, a business leader is really only a leader if he likewise has skills, knowledge and tools.

To Build Your Business it Is Curcial That You Have The Correct Info And Tools And Learn How To Be Motivated As Well!"

This is one area you must pay attention to…
Motivated people are more productive and cohesive. They likewise are more likely to be pleased with their job and less likely to look for work elsewhere. However how may you motivate your people and accomplish these results? How may you make them as passionate about your business as you are?
While a good business leader might be highly motivated, a great one needs to be just as capable of instilling that same spirit in his people in order to boost a business. There are several other areas you must have tools and knowlwedge in as well.
Make no mistake about it...
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forex cashflow system

forex cashflow system

Introducing Forex Cashflow System by Tony Manso

  am Tony Manso, Professional Forex Trader and Money Manager. I want to tell you about my Forex Cashflow System.

For All Levels Of Trader And Investor

Forex Cashflow System has something for every level of trader and investor. Whether you are...
  • A beginning trader,
  • An experienced trader,
  • A hands-on investor, OR
  • Just looking for an investment,
Forex Cashflow System can help you!

Are You A Beginning Trader?

Take advantage of my Software and Custom Indicators to learn...
  • Profitable strategies
  • Good money management
  • Techniques for protection against losses
  • Techniques for locking and guaranteeing profit
  • How to set-and-forget trades so you're not pulling your hair out with each trade
  • How to eliminate the rookie mistakes that beginners tend to make
My Forex Cashflow System can make YOU a better trader!

Are You An Experienced Trader?

Save time and headaches by letting the Advanced Software do things like...
  • Automatically adjust your trade sizes for maximum effectiveness
  • Automatically set your stop-loss and take-profit
  • Automatically manage your trailing stop and loss protection
  • Automatically reset things in the event of a panic situation
You decide WHEN to trade, and my Forex Cashflow System will do all of the grunt work for you! 

Are You A Hands-On Investor?

You just...
  • Choose a Signal Provider
  • Put my Trade Copier on your trading platform
  • Watch the trades happen automatically
You have control, so if you want to do some trading by hand, or want to interact with the Trade Copier, you can! .........
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